The investments in Amazonas will be applied to forest conservatioon programs. All in a serious, correct, effective and accountable way.
The largest
The 2030 Agenda is a plan created in 2015 by the member states of the United Nations – UN and brings together 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The actions of the AMAZONAS 2030 program are aligned with these SDGs, aiming at the eradication of poverty and hunger and promoting the social, sustainable and economic development of our people.
How it works
To receive the funds from the carbon emission reductions, the Amazonas 2030 Fund will be created and it will raise funds to finance the sustainable development agenda and combat the impacts of climate change.
The Amazonas 2030 Fund will be managed by the Amazonian Company for Development and Mobilization of Assets (CADA), which will sell the carbon credits obtained via CONAREDD+, as a consequence, the Government of Amazonas is committed to using the investments received in the priority areas of the Amazonas 2030 Program. recebidos nas áreas prioritárias do Programa Amazonas 2030.

Government of Amazonas already invests its own resources in actions that meet the SDGs.
Click and check out more details of each one:
Fundraising goal for the Amazonas 2030 fund
R$ 0
R$ 1 Billion

Despite the efforts already undertaken by the Government of Amazonas to ensure the above actions, it will be necessary to reach the collection goal of R$ 1,000,000,000.00 (one billion reais) in 2024, through the REDD+ Jurisdictional Program, to implement the areas of climate change mitigation, conservation and sustainable development, and bioeconomy.
New actions
Climate Change Mitigation
- Promote and operationalize the policies and actions of REDD+ projects;
- Monitor the progress of reducing carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.
Conservation and Sustainable Development
- Launch of the First Forest Concession Notice for the Maués State Forest;
- Sustainable housing program for residents of Conservation Units;
- Expansion of the Guardians of the Forest Program 2024;
- Degraded Area Recovery Program;
- Funding of the Center for Environmental Monitoring and Protected Areas (CMAAM) of the Environmental Protection Institute of Amazonas (Ipaam).
- Fulfillment of the Standing Forest Project agenda – actions to support the Forest Restoration Production Chain through seedling generation poles aiming at: forest restoration goals; construction of greenhouses for forest replacement in PAs; and investment in infrastructure in production chains, especially in the 15 PAs covered by the Consolidating Project in the PAs of Amazonas.
- Support the Institute for Sustainable Agricultural and Forestry Development of the State of Amazonas (IDAM) to expand and train rural technical assistance related to the sustainable development agenda in general; Concession of public areas for forest restoration;
- Elaboration of social, economic and environmental plans for the development of priority production chains of the bioeconomy in Conservation Units and surroundings;
- Elaboration of the State Bioeconomy Plan (GCF and University of Colorado);
- Strengthening the agroforestry bioeconomy in the state’s productive framework;
- Training of young leaders, women and local producers for sustainable entrepreneurship in Conservation Units;
- Consolidation of the forest policy of the state of Amazonas for the valorization of environmental/ecosystem services.