Investing in the Amazonas is contributing to the conservation of the forest

The Amazonas 2030 Program is a call from the State of Amazonas to strengthen concrete actions for the conservation of our biome, ensuring prosperity for the true guardians of the forest: our indigenous and traditional populations.

The investments in Amazonas will be applied to forest conservatioon programs. All in a serious, correct, effective and accountable way.

The largest



1,5 million km²
97% of natural coverage conserved
The largest indigenous population in Brazil
Climate Change Mitigation
Conservation and Sustainable Development
Strengthening the Bioeconomy

The 2030 Agenda is a plan created in 2015 by the member states of the United Nations – UN and brings together 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The actions of the AMAZONAS 2030 program are aligned with these SDGs, aiming at the eradication of poverty and hunger and promoting the social, sustainable and economic development of our people.

How it works

To receive the funds from the carbon emission reductions, the Amazonas 2030 Fund will be created and it will raise funds to finance the sustainable development agenda and combat the impacts of climate change.

The Amazonas 2030 Fund will be managed by the Amazonian Company for Development and Mobilization of Assets (CADA), which will sell the carbon credits obtained via CONAREDD+, as a consequence, the Government of Amazonas is committed to using the investments received in the priority areas of the Amazonas 2030 Program. recebidos nas áreas prioritárias do Programa Amazonas 2030.

Fundraising goal for the Amazonas 2030 fund

R$ 0


R$ 1 Billion

Despite the efforts already undertaken by the Government of Amazonas to ensure the above actions, it will be necessary to reach the collection goal of R$ 1,000,000,000.00 (one billion reais) in 2024, through the REDD+ Jurisdictional Program, to implement the areas of climate change mitigation, conservation and sustainable development, and bioeconomy.

New actions

Climate Change Mitigation

  • Promote and operationalize the policies and actions of REDD+ projects;
  • Monitor the progress of reducing carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.

Conservation and Sustainable Development

  • Launch of the First Forest Concession Notice for the Maués State Forest;
  • Sustainable housing program for residents of Conservation Units;
  • Expansion of the Guardians of the Forest Program 2024;
  • Degraded Area Recovery Program;
  • Funding of the Center for Environmental Monitoring and Protected Areas (CMAAM) of the Environmental Protection Institute of Amazonas (Ipaam).


  • Fulfillment of the Standing Forest Project agenda – actions to support the Forest Restoration Production Chain through seedling generation poles aiming at: forest restoration goals; construction of greenhouses for forest replacement in PAs; and investment in infrastructure in production chains, especially in the 15 PAs covered by the Consolidating Project in the PAs of Amazonas.
  • Support the Institute for Sustainable Agricultural and Forestry Development of the State of Amazonas (IDAM) to expand and train rural technical assistance related to the sustainable development agenda in general; Concession of public areas for forest restoration;
  • Elaboration of social, economic and environmental plans for the development of priority production chains of the bioeconomy in Conservation Units and surroundings;
  • Elaboration of the State Bioeconomy Plan (GCF and University of Colorado);
  • Strengthening the agroforestry bioeconomy in the state’s productive framework;
  • Training of young leaders, women and local producers for sustainable entrepreneurship in Conservation Units;
  • Consolidation of the forest policy of the state of Amazonas for the valorization of environmental/ecosystem services.

Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Deforestation in the Legal Amazon (PPCDAm)

It focuses on mitigating greenhouse gas emissions related to land use, land use change, and forests. In addition, the PPCDAm also includes measures to support sustainable economic activity in the region, such as the development of conservation projects and sustainable use of forest resources, as well as support for economic activities that are alternatives to extractive activity.

Low Carbon Agriculture (2020/2030)

The Low Carbon Agriculture Plan refers to the global strategy of the Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change and Low Carbon Emissions in Agriculture, with a view to sustainable development, to be implemented from 2020 to 2030.

Crop Guarantee /Amazonas

The Crop Guarantee Program is an action of the National Program for the Strengthening of Family Agriculture (PRONAF) to guarantee minimum survival conditions for family farmers in municipalities affected by the drought. The 2022/2023 harvest estimation is that 658 farmers from 6 municipalities in the Juruá Microregion. If the loss of 50% of the crop in the municipalities is proven, each family farmer adhering to the program will receive a benefit in the amount of R$1,200.00 per year (one thousand two hundred reais) per year.

Forest School

The project of the Government of Amazonas includes the construction of 03 (three) units in areas of environmental protection and sustainable development reserves. The schools were designed to have a low environmental impact and are being built in a sustainable model, with the use of wood from sustainable forest management and also wood subject to seizure from illegal extraction activities.

REDD+ Carbon Project Proposals

Call for Proposals for REDD+ Carbon Projects to support initiatives to reduce deforestation and emissions in Conservation Units.

Guardians of the Forest

The Guardians of the Forest program is managed with resources from the Government of Amazonas and is considered one of the largest Payments for Environmental Services (PES) systems in the world. This program is aimed at traditional populations that have made a formal commitment to zero illegal deforestation and participation in activities that promote conservation, as a reward, financial resources are allocated for the environmental service provided. Riverside dwellers of the Conservation Units (UC) and small farmers who live or enjoy the surroundings of the UCs and settlements are contemplated.

Center for Environmental Monitoring and Protected Areas – CMAAP/IPAAM

Remote environmental monitoring center, which uses geotechnologies and medium and high resolution satellite images with the crossing of geospatial databases to restrain environmental degradation.

Pirarucu Community Management Project

Promote the development of the managed pirarucu (amazon fish) production chain, through technical support in all stages of management, transfer of fishing materials and incentive in the generation of income for riverine populations and in the conservation of the species for present and future generations.

Prolimestone Program

Encourage the use of limestone in soil correction in degraded areas, with the objective of promoting the improvement of its fertility, increasing the productivity of the areas with the economic exploitation of grains, fruit growing, industrial crops, without the need for new deforestation.

Promechanization Program

Use of agricultural machinery and implements in the recovery of degraded areas, contributing to productivity through the improvement of the physical conditions of the previously unused soil, favoring the exploitation of grain production, fruit growing, industrial crops without the need for new deforestation.

Sustainable Energy

Financing projects and initiatives that stimulate the production and use of renewable energy sources, in addition to promoting energy efficiency and the consequent reduction of the impact on the environment. Financing of R$ 100 thousand to R$ 200 thousand for the acquisition of solar panels for micro-enterprises and agro-industries.

Expansion of the supply of drinking water

505 purifiers installed in 53 municipalities throughout the state of Amazonas.

Qualiágua Program

Monitoring of the water quality of streams and rivers in Manaus and the Metropolitan Region.

Macro water flow measurement

Implementation of macrometers and regulators of measured and calibrated levels at the points of entry and exit of water (treatment plants, wells, etc.), which allow the monitoring of water reserves and supply to the populations of the interior.

School Lunch Regionalization Program (PREME)

PREME ensures the right to quality school meals, reinforcing food security for thousands of children and young people enrolled in the state school system, in the capital and in the countryside, in addition to moving rural production in the state. It is carried out through the hiring of rural producers, rural producer organizations (associations, cooperatives, etc.) and agro-industries to supply horticultural products, regional agro-industrialists, forestry, extractivists, cultivation fishers and extractivists, produced from Amazonas.

School Furniture Regionalization Program (PROMOVE)

Promove encourages the manufacture of school furniture, using wood from Forest Management Plans as raw material. Among the items provided by the furniture makers are paintings, cabinets, tables and chairs that include all public schools in the state.

State Program to Combat and Prevent Food Waste and Loss

The project aims to reduce food losses and waste and contribute to food and nutritional security through the collection of food that has not been sold, but that is still in good condition for consumption, and delivers it to registered social assistance institutions in order to complement their menus and feed the public served.

Since the implementation of the program in 2019, 896 tons of food have been collected, serving 1,509 institutions and benefiting more than 500 thousand people.

Prato Cheio Program - Expansion and Restructuring

The Project aims to expand, restructure and standardize food and nutrition security equipment units for the socially vulnerable population of the State of Amazonas. In addition to the supply of food at popular prices, the new proposal aims to absorb part of the production of family farming in the country side of the state for the production of meals, generating employment and income.

Rubber tapper Kit

The program aims to encourage the return of natural rubber extraction activity and increased production. Each kit consists of 400 bowls, 400 spouts, bleeding knives, machete, bucket and headlamp. In this way, the state government has encouraged the maintenance of the standing forest and contributed to reducing the impacts of productive activities on climate change.

Indigenous Agriculture Program

Implementation of a policy to support rural production developed by indigenous populations in the state of Amazonas, using the principles of ethnodevelopment, food sovereignty and valorization of systems of social organization, traditional knowledge and natural resources. Promoting this type of agriculture is contributing to the mitigation of negative environmental impacts, including climate change.

Ornamental Fishing Project

It fosters the sustainable development of the ornamental fishing production chain, through technical support and training for fishermen and exporters, supply of fishing materials and promotion of fishing as a synonym of sustainable activity, and incentive in the maintenance of species that are used for ornamentation and aqualiophilia, for present and future generations.

This program contributes to reducing the effects of climate change through the maintenance and conservation of aquatic environments that are habitats of ornamental species, the use of low-carbon capture technologies and the training of fishermen to live in harmony with the environment.

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